
Electric Bikes vs Electric Scooters: Which One Should You Choose?
Electric Bikes vs Electric Scooters: Which One Should You Choose?

Understand which personal electric vehicle is best, the choice between an electric bike or electric scooter might already be made for you by some critical factors, including portability and storage capacity.

Can You Ride an Electric Scooter in the Rain?
Can You Ride an Electric Scooter in the Rain?

“No” is the standard answer to the question of whether you should ride an electric scooter in the rain. But can you ride an electric scooter in the rain? There are times when it may be safe to do so…

Can You Bring an Electric Scooter on a Plane in Canada?
Can You Bring an Electric Scooter on a Plane in Canada?

Wondering whether you can take your electric scooter on an airplane? As with all things air travel-related the answer should be simple, right?

Folding Vs. Standing Electric Scooters
Folding Vs. Standing Electric Scooters

If you’ve ridden a rideshare electric scooter—or at least seen them lined up on street corners in your city—you’ve probably noticed that they aren’t especially designed for portability. Many scooters designed for rideshares are standing scooters, do not fold, are…

Is It Worth Buying an Electric Scooter?
Is It Worth Buying an Electric Scooter?

As cities become more crowded and traffic worsens by the year, the old way of commuting becomes increasingly unsustainable. Commuters have recognized this fact and embraced new ride-share models that reduce their carbon footprint, cut transportation costs, and cut down…

Getting Scooters to Covid-19 First Responders
Getting Scooters to Covid-19 First Responders

The Covid-19 crisis has ushered in a period of sickness, fear, confusion, and fatigue across the planet. Naturally, we're all looking for a little hope. At Unagi, we're trying to carve out a humble corner of optimism by helping the…

Come guidare un monopattino elettrico
Come guidare un monopattino elettrico

Alla fine hai finalmente capito che un monopattino elettrico leggero, veloce e pieghevole è il mezzo di trasporto ideale per le tue esigenze di mobilità e hai cominciato a cercare il modello perfetto.

Electric Scooter Buying Tips for Adults
Electric Scooter Buying Tips for Adults

If you've noticed people in your area breezing by you on their electric scooters, you might wonder if an e-scooter would also fit your commuter lifestyle.  Well, if you want to save money, contribute to the environment, and avoid traffic, electric scooters deliver on all bases. 

How Fast Can Electric Scooters Go?
How Fast Can Electric Scooters Go?

How Fast Do Electric Scooters Go Step aside, skateboards, electric bikes, and mopeds.  These days electric scooters are so ubiquitous, you can hardly pass by your neighborhood coffee shop, ATM, or happy hour hotspot without encountering one (or a few).…

Unagi X West Coast Customs: Ride A Work Of Art
Unagi X West Coast Customs: Ride A Work Of Art

We’re all obviously big nerds for electric scooters, micromobility, and electric vehicles in general. But being based in California (and recently releasing pattern and custom color rides), we also respect the long traditions of California custom car culture. Whether cruising…

Best Locks for Electric Scooters
Best Locks for Electric Scooters

Owning a folding electric scooter should eliminate the need for a heavy-duty padlock or shackle to secure your ride. That's especially true for foldable e-scooters like the Model One from Unagi, which folds down…

CES Dispatch: The E500 Is A Big Upgrade
CES Dispatch: The E500 Is A Big Upgrade

Every year, the Consumer Electronics Show brings hundreds of thousands of visitors to Las Vegas in order to show off, contrast, compare, or merely gawk at the latest consumer electronic gadgets and trends We’re also in town for the show,…