
CES Dispatch: Announcing Unagi Personalization!
CES Dispatch: Announcing Unagi Personalization!

No two neighborhoods are exactly alike. Similarly, your daily commute leaves a unique imprint on the world around you that usually differs from that of your neighbors, your roommates, and even your spouse. To that end, we think your method…

Rasheed Muhammad, Beverly Hills
Rasheed Muhammad, Beverly Hills Rasheed Muhammad is sick of Los Angeles traffic. In order to preserve his sanity, Rasheed has traded his everyday driving habit for the portable and beautiful Unagi Model One. It’s an essential accessory for navigating LA streets -- and…

Unagi, Deconstructed: How An E-Scooter Works
Unagi, Deconstructed: How An E-Scooter Works

It’s not magic. It might look like a bespelled work of Byzantine machinery unearthed, reformed, and refitted for a new age, but the electrical chariots of modernity are powered by ions, not alchemy. To satisfy the voracious cravings of our…

Unagi x Billie Eilish
Unagi x Billie Eilish

“Rebel,” “Pop Idol,” “Star Child,” “Biggest Artist on The Planet,” are only a handful of the magazine-cover-monikers attributed to singer-songwriter Billie Eilish. At only seventeen years old, Eilish has logged a bevy of accolades, including three MTV Video Music Awards…

Why owning an Unagi beats using Rideshare Scooters
Why owning an Unagi beats using Rideshare Scooters

It’s been eight years since Uber’s historic beta launch in San Francisco, and, despite a deluge of complaints levied by traditional transportation competitors, governments, and customers, the Uber model – and ridesharing at large – has become ubiquitous. Ease of…

A Case For Electric Scooter Ownership: The Unagi Manifesto
A Case For Electric Scooter Ownership: The Unagi Manifesto

The Rapid Growth of the E-Scooter Ownership Market A study created jointly by Unagi Scooters and UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business has found that elect estimate that 35% of scooter riders will prefer to own rather than rent,...

Micro-Mobility Reconnects Us by Supporting Local Culture and Sustainable Development
Micro-Mobility Reconnects Us by Supporting Local Culture and Sustainable Development

“Nice neighborhood you’ve got there. Sure would be a shame if someone put a highway through it.” So says the text over the face of Robert Moses in a meme that launched the Facebook group “New Urbanist Memes for Transit-Oriented…

5 E-Scooter Life Hacks
5 E-Scooter Life Hacks

We all know electric scooters are fun. The sun on your skin, the wind in your hair – trying one out is not a hard sell. On top of that, there are also the practical benefits of riding electric scooters.

5 Tips for E-Scooter Etiquette
5 Tips for E-Scooter Etiquette

In this article, we'll cover all the dos and don'ts of electric scooter etiquette, so you can ride with confidence and consideration. Get ready to hit the road (safely) with your e-scooter!

The Scooter, A History
The Scooter, A History

Two wheels and a plank. It would be a modest beginning for a mode of transportation characterized by peaks and troughs in use and popularity unrivaled by any other contemporary human propellant. Although difficult to pinpoint, it is generally accepted…

Micro Mobility & Local Culture
Micro Mobility & Local Culture

“Nice neighborhood you’ve got there. Sure would be a shame if someone put a highway through it.” So says the text over the face of Robert Moses in a meme that launched the Facebook group “New Urbanist Memes for Transit-Oriented…

Your Personal Liberation Device
Your Personal Liberation Device

Beginning today, Unagi Scooters is now shipping its world-class electric scooters to pre-order customers in the United States, and new orders are immediately being fulfilled “The Unagi Scooter heralds a new era for the commuting consumer who simply wants an…